Wings, expand! Dreams, come true! Schools, be built!”

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Dear friends, this year we’ve decided to help our friends from Latvia’s “Life for Unity,” who are already creating a school and actively providing direct assistance to children in the Kenyan desert 🌵🤗 Isn’t it a miracle?

Tickets are bought, visas are finally obtained, the children are waiting, so we are ready to ask for your support in such an important mission for the world.

Building schools is not an easy task. Such projects are particularly complex in third-world countries, as you can understand.

In addition to immense energy, patience, and an unstoppable desire to make the seemingly impossible possible, connections and funds are needed for the following goals:

🩶 Food for each child per day – 0.50 euros

🩶 Study materials, which are almost impossible to personally transport through customs – 8 euros/set for each of 80 kids

🩶 Drinking water filters

🩶 Solar panels for electricity

🩶 Basic furniture for children and volunteers, and much more.

Expect photo and video reports, as well as clear updates, already in JULY 🫡

Any support you are willing to provide RIGHT NOW is incredibly important and makes a big difference.

Click the donate button above 👆